Saturday, October 21, 2023


I was recently contacted by "Sherry" who told me the following:

Hello - I recently acquired this painting for $70 from a neighbor. I started researching and discovered it was an M DeVoe and found your blog. Now am even more curious why there isn't any info on the artist. Can you tell me anything else about my new painting? My neighbor said he remembers it hanging in his grandmother's house as a child.

Here is my response:  Hi Sherry and thanks for reaching out.  

I have had the blog up and running for almost ten years and I am no closer to identifying M. Devoe than I was when I started.

You paid a fair price for your painting.  It is in the original frame, but the mirrored tiles that were inset are gone as is usually the case.  Just easier to remove them than replace them.

I couldn't tell from the photo if you Devoe was signed - Devoe did not sign all of his/her paintings.

Hang it on your wall and enjoy it - that's what I have done with my three Devoes.

Sorry I can't be of more help.  It is almost impossible for a person to hide today because of the internet but Devoe has succeeded.

and then I asked her permission to feature her painting on this blog and she graciously agreed.  So, here is her Painting by M. Devoe:

Thank you Sherry for sharing your story and your Devoe with us.  The search for M. Devoe continues...

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